The Art of Dyeing

In Wensleydale by Natalie5 Comments

Many may not know, but successful dyeing has so much more to do with simply, “knowing how to dye.”  Different fibers, water, dyes, temperature and EVEN what you wash your fiber in can ALL effect the outcome of your product.  The picture of locks below are  an example of Wensleydale locks I dyed which were to mimic Star Magnolias.  This came out exactly as intended because I know my fiber, dyes, water and wool shampoo.  Soon I’ll be giving small group online seminars on specific themes; including (but not limited to), dyeing.  With the seminar, participant will receive the exact dyes, weak acid, and fibers I work with. This will limit the “unknowns” and help to give a successful outcome.




  1. I am so looking forward to your small group online seminars! If they are anything like your other live-streams etc. they’ll be amazing!

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