Named after my soulmate and canine companion, Scrappy, Scrapboxes are chock full of combinations which may include dyed and ready to spin fibers such as ultra fine Merino and Grade A Mulberry silk, wool nepps, long locks, mohair, pygora, cashmere and more. Each box is different and all have different names. Some are so popular, I have to make 2nd, 3rd and 4th runs. Be assured, you won’t be disappointed and you’ll be inspired by the yarns, felted items and/or art you can create. Each box has 6-8 ounces of fibers, and is guaranteed to “Wow” purchasers. They don’t last long, so, if you like one, purchase. The choices change weekly and are a staple of Namaste Farms products. I deeply appreciate my Canadian purchasers but there is additional shipping which is located in the first pulldown menu.

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Hi Natalie,
I hope this finds you and Scrappy doing well. I know how busy you must be but wondered if you could give an idea of what colorways the Scrapboxes are. Some of them it’s easy to guess, but others I have no clue. I know that no matter what the colors are, they will be beautiful. I would like to have an idea before I purchase. Have a great day!
Pingback: Brickhouse Scrapbox | Namaste Farms
I’m currently trying to add the Scrapboxes to the store and put pictures, what a challenge it is. Hopefully, soon they will all be up with current pictures. Thank you so much for your purchases.
Pingback: Forest Nymph Scrapbox, NEW | Namaste Farms