Fleece Sale; Event #10

In Uncategorized by Natalie

I haven’t had a sale in a while, but here you go.  If you’re in my dye classes, please check the descriptions because on many of them, I wanted students to purchase specific fleeces.  There are some amazingly beautiful and lustrous Cotswold, English Leicester, Teeswater and Wensleydale that are stellar.  The sale happens on Saturday, April 14th at 2:30 PDT.  For those of you not familiar with the process, go to Facebook at 2:30 PDT and the posts will begin automatically appearing in 2 minute intervals.  If you want some of a given lot number, you post your name in the comments. You then must direct message our page and Kristin will invoice you. For multiple lots, you comment, keep track of the lots you want, and message us when you’re finished with your order. IF YOU LIVE OUT OF THE COUNTRY, WE MUST KNOW ahead of time so we charge correct shipping. Also note, that if you have a slow internet, it’s possible you will think you’ve won the lot, but someone else commented prior to you even though it may look as if you commented first. We always go in order that the comment posted with the time stamp.  Any questions?  Please contact Kristin

All of our fleeces are sold raw unless otherwise noted.  If you are new to fleece or particularly picky about fleeces, I can recommend another seller.  We do the best to represent the fleece but you may have different ways of grading than we do. We want you to be happy and to avoid any discontent, will happily refer you to another seller.